MIRDEC 2016-2, Social Science Conference, Prague, 19-21 July, 2016
Linda Jean Kenix,
Universityof Canterbury,
New Zealand
Adam Pawlicz,
Szczecin University,
Magdalena Banaszkiewicz,
Jagiellonian University,
Alina Zajadacz,
Mickiewicz University of Poznan,
Sofoklis Skoultsos,
University of Aegean,

Associate Professor Kenix's research has traditionally focused on the representation of politically marginalized organizations, people, and ideas in both the mainstream and alternative press. Her recent projects have broadened to examine how those who are marginalized are utilizing various media as potential tools for social change. In 2013, she began working with several other scholars on "Activism, technology and organizing: Transformations in collective action in Aotearoa New Zealand" – a wide reaching project supported by the Marsden Fund Council over the next three years. Her last book, titled "Alternative and Mainstream Media: The Converging Spectrum," was published by Bloomsbury Academic in 2011. Dr Kenix's research has been published broadly in over 30 international, peer-reviewed academic journals. She has presented her research at over 40 international conferences – winning ‘best paper’ awards six times. In 2008, she was awarded a prestigious Erskine Fellowship and placement as a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University. In 2010, she won the award again and was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. She has also been Visiting Academic at Monash University in Melbourne and will be a Visiting Professor at the University of Valencia for 6 months in 2016.
Adam Pawlicz got his PhD in economics from Szczecin University, Poland. Since 2014 he is also teaching at Klaipeda University, Lithuania. He is an author or co-author of over 100 scientific publications. He is an editor of European Journal of Service Management and cooperates with numerous international journals as a reviewer („Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management” and others). Adam Pawlicz is a member of scientific board in Academica Science Journal, Uniwersytetu Tîrgu Mureş (Romania) and „Entrepreneurship” „Neofit Rilski”(Bulgaria). Adam Pawlicz is also a co-author of “Tourism in the city” blog.
Magdalena Banaszkiewicz is a cultural anthropologists and works as an assistant professor in the Institute of Intercultural Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland). She graduated both in Russian Studies and Cultural Studies. The main topics of her research are cultural tourism and heritage in the Central and Eastern Europe. Recently, she has been exploring dissonances connected with the process of tourist commodification of so called ‘socialist/communist heritage’. She teaches e.g. Anthropology of Tourism, Understanding Russian Culture and Regional Geography at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
As a visiting professor she has recently given lectures and participated in seminars in Bulgaria, Germany and Great Britain. Her first monograph “The Intercultural Dialogue in Tourism. The case of Polish and Russian relationships” was published in 2011 In Jagiellonian University Press. Since then, she has written over a dozen of articles, which appeared i.e. in “Folia Turistica” or “Politeja”, she has contributed to couple of volumes and co-edited three books in „Varia Culturia” series (Jagiellonian University Press). She is an editorial board member of „Turystyka Kulturowa” (“Cultural Tourism” – a Polish scientific journal dedicated to cultural tourism). In 2015 Magdalena Banaszkiewicz was the main co-organizer of the International Conference 'Anthropology of Tourism – Heritage and Perspectives’ in Cracow. Currently, she is working with Sabina Owsianowska on the collective volume ‘After the Iron Curtain. Anthropology of tourism in Central and Eastern Europe’, due to be published in Lexington Books in 2016.
Professor Alina Zajadacz is a lecturer at the Department of Tourism and Recreation, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań/Poland. Her research interests focus on tourist potential of towns and cities as well as on accessible tourism. She is the author of more than 100 scientific publications, including books: Tourist potential of towns and cities based on the example of some selected towns of the Western Sudeten (2004), Leisure pursuits, tourism and recreation of deaf people in Poland: an outline (2010), Tourism of deaf people: a geographical perspective (2012), and papers, e.g.: Sources of tourist information used by Deaf people. Case study: the Polish Deaf community (2014), Accessibility of tourism space from a geographical perspective (2014), Evolution of models of disability as a basis for further policy changes in accessible tourism (2015). She has participated in projects intended to improve the accessibility of tourism supply to people with disabilities, such as: Tourism for all (coordinator for the whole Greater Poland Province, PTTK, 2008), and Tourism of deaf people and opportunities for its activization through the use of a multimedia system of tourist information (2008-2010). She is fond of mountain hiking, nature and common sense.
Sofoklis Skoultsos holds a Phd on tourism planning and event management. Also, he holds a Master at the Interdepartmental Program of Post Graduate Studies in Tourism Planning, Management and Policy and a Diploma of Business Administration at the University of The Aegean. He has participated in studies and research programs in the field of tourism and tourism development as a research associate at Center of Planning and Economic Research (www.kepe.gr) and at Laboratory for Tourism Research and Studies (www.etem.aegean.gr). Also, he presented and published articles at international conferences and journals in the field of tourism incentives, event tourism, event and tourism impacts, tourist behavior etc. He specializes in event tourism, special and alternative forms of tourism, tourism planning, sustainable tourism, cultural tourism, motivation and marketing