MIRDEC-3rd, 2017, Conference on Social Science, Economics, Business and Education,
04-06 April, 2017, Budapest, Hungary

Dr. Tamer Budak,
Inonu University,
Dr. Asmahan Althaer,
Applied Science University,
Dr. Aram Belhadj,
University of Carthage(FSEGN)
Dr. Mariya Sergeyevna Lyashenko,
Minin State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Prof. Slagjana Stojanovska,
Professor Slagjana Stojanovska is currently working at Marketing Management Department of IBF in Macedonia
Some papers of Professor Stojanovksa:
• Sales Forecasting PRactises in Macedonian Small-Scale MAnufacturing Plants
• Direction for National Sustainable Prosperity
• The Efficiency of Macedonia's Innovation Platform
• Macedonia's Sustainable Competitive Preformance
• Evaluation Report for Macedonian Competitiveness Activity
• Assessing the Serbian and Macedonian Environmental Sustainability Value Delivery Network Practises
Dr. Asmahan Althaer is currently working at Applied Science University in Jordan as Assoc. Professor. Dr. Althaer's had several international presentations such as:
• Altaher, A. (2014) the impact of knowledge characteristics on elearning content., Journal of arts and Science Conference , 2014 – Fribourg- Germany
• Sharing in ICERI2012 .5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Dates: 19th - 21st of November, 2012: Madrid (Spain)
• Annual London Conference on” Money, Economy and Management” 9- 10-2009 – The State of knowledge and Innovation Jordan communication firms”, London.2009.
• I-society .IEEE conferences, Critical success factors of implementation knowledge management processes. Asmahan Altaher. Isociety – IEEE conferences, London, Juon-2010.
• International Conference on Information and Knowledge-held in Paris, France during June 24-26, 2011. The Impact of Knowledge Management Process in Jordan Industry 2011.
• INTED CONFRENCE- SPAIN- VALENCIA 2009 - Knowledge Transfer in Jordan Pharmaceutical.
• International Business Research Conference, Dubai 16-17-2009.
Dr. Tamer Budak is actually working at Inonu University, Turkey as Assoc. Prof. Some papers of Dr. Budak:
• BATRANCEA L., Nichita A., BATRANCEA I., BENK S., BUDAK T., KIRCHLER E., “Instances of Compliance Attitudes in a Tax Climate Determined by Trust and Power: A Cross-Cultural Study”, 13th EBES Conference – Istanbul, 5-7 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
• BUDAK T., JAMES S., SAWYER A., and WALLSCHUTZKY I. “The complexities of tax simplification: a review of progress in Australia, New Zealand, Turkey and the UK.”, The 23rd Annual Tax Research Network (TRN) Conference, 3-5 September 2014, University of Roehampton, London, England.
• BUDAK T., JAMES S., and SAWYER A., “International Experiences of Tax Simplification: Distinguishing Between Necessary and Unnecessary Complexity”, 12th International Conference on Tax Administration, 31 March - 1 April 2016, UNSW Australia Business School Sydney, Australia.
• BUDAK T., JAMES S., “The Applicability of the OTS Complexity Index to Tax System Comparative Analysis Between Australia, New Zealand, Turkey and the UK”, 12th International Conference on Tax Administration, 31 March - 1 April 2016, UNSW Australia Business School Sydney, Australia.
Dr Aram Belhadj, University of Carthage (FSEGN) & Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF), Tunisia
Currently an assistant professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Nabeul (University of Carthage) and a Director of Research of the Maghreb Economic Forum, Dr Aram Belhadj explores issues linked to monetary and economic integration in developing and emerging economies, with a particular focus on Maghreb union. Alongside his Maghreb focus, Dr Aram Belhadj also defends economic development issues of greater Africa and a fair partnership between North and South Mediterranean Countries. He is a member of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) and the African Econometric Society (AES), as well as a delegate at the Congress of African Economists and the Diaspora (African Union). He published many articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
Some publications:
• The determining factors of Industrialization: Empirical evidence for Africa? (With Dr Samouel Béji), European Scientific Journal, Special Issue, April 2016;
• “Business cycles in the Maghreb: Does trade matter?” (With Pr. Jude Eggoh), Journal of Economic Integration, 30 (3), September 2015
• “Heterogeneity of the Maghreb: The results of optimized monetary rules” Global Business & Management Research: An International Journal, Vol 1, N°3&4, December 2009, P1-24;
• «Toward Maghreb Monetary Unification: what does the theory and history tell us?" (With Dr Nabil Jedlane & Dr Chrysost Bangaké), Savings & Development, supplementary issue, 2007, pp. 7-37;